Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Day the Polar Express Came to Town

On Friday Noah had fun playing trains with Jack and Ethan.

 Today the Polar Express came to Shelby. At first I was really bummed because it was really cold outside and I knew it wouldn't be a good idea for Noah to be out in it.
 Then someone gave me the idea to go early and park along the tracks and let Noah sit in the van and watch from there.
 I opened up the sliding door and we had the warmest best seats in town.

Noah loved it!!!!!


Anonymous said...

This made my night! I'm so glad your seats and hearts were warm tonight!

Unknown said...

hi i am one of the event planners i would love to meet your family and give Noah a little something to remember the polar express name is Carolyn Clarke and my number is 419-347-1249...thank you sooo much for this touching story.