Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy 13th Birthday Noah

Wow.... has it really been 13 years? He is a true gift from God. He has blessed our family more than I could ever imagine. We were told he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life. He is far from a vegetable. One day I would love for Noah to go into that doctors office and show her how wrong she was. She didn't give us much hope that day we were told his diagnosis. But, with the help of God, our family and church family we can now say we have a lot of hope. With God all things are possible.

For Noah's birthday I want him to know that he is loved unconditionally not only by his family, but by God,the one who knit him together in my womb, the one who makes no mistakes.
(Thank you Renee over at Massagermommy for the words I was looking to express some of my feelings today.)

Happy Birthday Noah

You are well loved.

1 comment:

Phil Dzialo said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NOAH! There is no doubt that you are very much loved without condition...a pure love. I wish you continued progress and believe that the universe will give you what you need; it always does.