Thursday, March 19, 2009

DECEMBER 09, 2008

I just needed to get this off my chest.... When I dropped Noah off to school this morning I asked about the Christmas program next week. All 4th graders are supposed to be in it. Well I found out today that the children were only using recorders. Since Noah can't play a recorder he wouldn't be on the program. I about lost it..... No one told me anything about this until I asked. I asked about Noah playing a different kind of instrument with hand over hand assistance. I was told that would take a teacher helping him and it wasn't about the teacher but Noah in the program and since he can't do it himself he couldn't be in the program. I then told them that I feel it was my decision to make and not theirs and that I didn't appreciate not being part of the decsion. I then told them that Morgan would love to help Noah participate in the program. I am still waiting for a reply. I will do what ever it takes so Noah won't be excluded.

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