Thursday, March 19, 2009

NOVEMBER 07, 2008

The last few weeks we have been busy trying to work 3 hrs of ABR therapy a day into our already very busy lives. This is how our day on Thursdday looked like.
At 6:30 I got up to see Morgan and Emily off to school and get ready for my day. At 7:10 I made Noah's breakfast and then fed, changed and got him dressed for the day. He then does his vest for 30 min. While he did his vest I did the dishes and ate my breakfast. By 8:15 we were out the door to get Noah to school. I then went to my Mom and Dads to help them with something. I then remebered that I forgot to take something to school for Noah. I went home to get it and take it out to his school. I then went home and did some laundry and cleaned up the house. I then took Noah's stander down the basement to make room for ABR bench Uncle Paul is makeing for Noah. I then got some chicken ready for chicken stir fry for supper. I then got things ready for Noah's ABR therapy and did some more laundry. I then went out to Noah's school to train and observe someone else feeding Noah. That way if Noah is able to go on a fieldtrip he can eat lunch with his friends. When Noah and I got home we did the excercise for his neck for 1/2 hr. We took a short break and then at 2:30 we did the excercise for his abdomen for 1hr. Morgan and Emily got home at 3:00. I talked to them while I finished up his abdomen excercise.After I was done I helped Emily finish cutting up the vegtables for chicken stir-fry. Morgan left at 3:45 for play practice. Scott got home from work at 4:00. We ate supper and then Scott and I left for Noah's IEP meeting that started at 4:30. On the way we dropped off Morgan's supper. Noah's IEP meeting lasted until 5:40. When we got home I did Noah's neck excercise for another 1/2hr. Then Scott did Noah's chest excercise for1 hour. By then it was time for Noah to do his vest for 30min.Then it was time for Noah to has bedtime snack and get to bed so we can start all over tommorow.
As you can see our day was very busy. But, it will be all worth it in the end. We have already seen some small changes. We found out when we were in Canada that Noah's Adams Apple is all the way up and just behind his chin. Just yesterday I was very excited.... I actully saw his Adam's Apple.When Noah was talking it was showing itself. I found myself touching it and kissing it.Which made Noah laugh.Scott said' You are really in love with that Adam's Apple.aren't you" He was also very excited to see it as well. After Noah was done talking and laughing it hid itself again. We can't wait until its out for good. We are so excited about this small chage. It may seem like such a silly thing to most of you... but, to us its huge. Espicially after only 2 short weeks of ABR I can't wait until even bigger changes.
Sorry about the long post. I hope I didn't bore anyone.

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