Thursday, March 19, 2009

JUNE 03, 2008

Sorry its been so long for a update. I see the last one was the day before Noah's Grandpa passed away...... I look back on all that now and can see a pattern with Noah. 2 weeks before he passed away, Noah and the family were visiting Grandpa. Grandpa didn't wake up enough to even talk to Noah that day. By the time we got home Noah was running a 103* He was sick for 2 weeks. Hardly even going to school. On April 24th. I took Noah to the hospital with me instead of going to school. ( Scott had got a call at 5:30am from his brother that his Dad wasn't doing well) At the hospital Noah was sitting in the hallway. About 10 mins. before his Grandpa passed away there was one tear running down Noah's face. ( I look back on it now and I'm sure his Grandpa had told him goodbye at that moment) After that Noah completly shut down. He hardly ever opened his eyes. I would feed him even if was asleep. And he slept a lot. I was really starting to worry about him. It was reminding me of ET. I kept telling him that he had a guardian angel now and Grandpa was always with him. Finally after the funeral Noah started acting better. You could see that Noah was finally at peace.
Noah is finishing up his last few days of school. We told him last night that in 2 wks. we would be at Monster Bash. He got all excited and grinning from ear to ear.

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