Thursday, February 22, 2018

Happy 24th Birthday Emily!!!

Happy birthday, Emily!!!
                                       You are such a great daughter. We love you so much.

                               You are the best little sister and I can't wait to see you be the best Aunt.
                       Noah is so lucky to have you as one of his big sisters. He loves to spend time with you.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Baby Shower for Liam

Morgan planned the best shower for Liam. It was all planned around story books. It couldn't been a better shower for a little baby whose Mommy is a teacher. It was perfect.

Thank you everyone that helped and came to celebrate Morgan and Brad's baby.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

It's A Zippity Do Dah Day

The day we brought Noah home from the hospital, I found out my Dad was in the hospital and not doing well.
On Feb. 4th Heaven gained another Angel. My Dad walked into the sunset having a Zippity Do Dah Day. My Dad had always said he  wanted Zippity Do Dah played at his funeral. If you haven't seen the video of Uncle Reemus singing that song, look it up on YouTube. It was perfect......

This picture was taken the Wednesday before Noah was life flighted. You can really see how bad he felt. I miss you Dad, I'm glad I took the time to visit with you often.
             This is the way I like to remember  my Dad. 

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Not Again

Last night Scott and I got out for a bit to spend time with each other. We got a text for Deanie  to let us know that Noah wasn't feeling well and his cheek seemed swollen. We picked Noah up and took him straight to the ER. The infection that was still in his body had gotten into his salivary glands. With a change in his antibiotics he should be good as new. Poor fella......