This morning Noah met his new teacher, Mrs. S. They asked Mrs. P. and she felt very overwhelmed with the change at the start of school. She felt she couldn't give the attention that Noah deserved. So.... they hired Mrs. S. Noah seemed to be
ok with her this morning. At least he didn't growl at her or seem stressed out. She's coming tomorrow to spend time with him and get to know him.

As you can see we had a little fun while learning about the ocean last week. This week we have been learning about bugs.
His schedule will look like this......
Monday: Music with friends from 9-9:45
Tuesday and Thursday I'm hoping to get OT,PT and ST started soon.
Wednesday: music with friends from 9-9:45 confirmation class 6:30-7:30
Friday: Mrs. S. day 9-11
In between all of this ABR therapy